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Boulder Abortion Fund

photo © Warren Martin Hern


In more than half of the states in the US and in countries across the globe, reproductive choice is being taken away. Colorado is Pro-Choice and supports the choice of pregnant people and their doctors to make decisions that are best for them. Period. No conditions. No caveats.

The Boulder Abortion Fund was formed as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization to defray the costs that patients bear to travel and receive this health care at Boulder Abortion Clinic. Reproductive health care is not a choice without access.


Specialized Abortion Care is not covered under most insurance plans. This leaves many people paying out of pocket for this vital medical care.


90% of Boulder Abortion Clinic’s patients shoulder the cost of traveling from out of state or from other countries. Most cannot afford the travel or lodging expenses, and most need some form of financial assistance.


A three or four-day procedure for termination of an advanced pregnancy requires local lodging and meals, which are often outside of the budget of patients seeking care.

Who Am I Helping



photo © Warren Martin Hern


photo © Warren Martin Hern

How Can I Help

Make a tax-deductible one time donation, a monthly pledge, an in-kind gift, or a bequest to Boulder Abortion Fund to support the care and logistical needs of patients seeking abortion care.

photo © Warren Martin Hern

Our Organization

The Boulder Abortion Fund was founded in 2024 after years of requests by local and national supporters who were looking for a way to combat the removal of reproductive choice in the United States and to help those who need it.

The Boulder Abortion Fund is governed by a Board of Directors and is managed by an independent Executive Director. The funds are dispersed by the Board only for costs directly associated with medical, travel, lodging, and food expenses of Boulder Abortion Clinic patients, not for any other foundation or clinic expenses, salaries, or overhead. The goal is to come as close as possible to a 100% financial pass through of funds to patient costs with a minimum of administrative expenses.

Community Feedback

“With no abortion care in Texas, I could not have traveled for the care that my family and I needed without this funding.
I was willing to take a bus 28 hours each way, but Boulder Abortion Fund paid for my flight and hotel.”

– name withheld –

“I was funded by a national organization for my procedure, but I had no idea how I was going to get there, stay there, or eat until I found this foundation.”

– name withheld –

“I was feeling helpless about how I could support people who need reproductive healthcare. My financial gifts are tax deductible, but knowing that the money is helping someone real is the best feeling!”

– name withheld –